3rd Year Hon. Mention: Exploring Young People’s Experiences with Music-focused Participatory Fan Cultures
CCY 3999, Research with Children and Young People: Methods. CD: Abigail Shabtay.
With this thoughtful and exceptionally thorough research proposal, the author provides a detailed and cogent analysis for a project that would explore young people’s experiences within participatory fan cultures, with a focus on music. The author begins with an in-depth argument for a constructivist and grounded theoretical approach which would be based primarily on personal interviews and conversations. As the author convincingly contends, this allows for understanding participants’ thoughts and opinions, as well as their actions. An extensive and clearly presented literature review identifies the gaps in the existing research which the author proposes to fill demonstrating how the project will be unique and innovative. This review also pinpoints for the author a realistic methodology which will meaningfully guide the project to its important insights into youth fan culture. In the end, the proposal is a great pleasure to read and leaves us hungry to engage the final result.